

Thursday 10 August 2017

Blue Whale Game (SUICIDE....)

YGS Technical

Blue Whale Game (SUICIDE...)

Welcome in our Blog..
So The Today's topic is about Blue Whale Game.
Its a trend today to share challenges and complete them. It is Fun and entertaining.. But BLUE WHALE has a totally Different Concept...!!
Its Suicide game which interact the people for died their life.
Before this game there is also a one game  called POKEMON GO. In this game the people are try to finding the Pokemon's and they die their life for this game also.
The POKEMON GO is easily available on play store But the Blue Whale is not available on play store and it is also not available on The Internet.
This game is only available on Dark Web.
Dark web is different than our simple Internet and also its not easy to grant a access in dark web.
The Blue whale game is specially for age group 11 to 19. In that age group the peoples are play too much.

The Blue Whale game is started in 2013 with name "F57" and one of the name is Death Game.
the first Suicide due to the game is in 2015.

Founder Of The Game:-

  • Philipp Budeiki, the 22-year-old creator of the game, was sentenced to 3 years in jail for inciting Russian youths to kill themselves
  • To play the game, Budeiki would select people he considered weak enough to be manipulated
  • Budeiki said he pushed teenagers to suicide intentionally
Why he open the game??
The Philipp Budeiki say about that game he want to clear the society means he want to died the people which are emotionally week and which are not getting the goal in their life means biological waste.

The Question is that after he getting the jail who is initiative the game or admin of the game??  
The philipp says that he send the game for only 17 people so he also don't know who is access their game.
But Now at this time so many peoples are try to play this game. 
There are 50 task in the game. We can also called as the challenging game as Blue Whale.
There are two options in the game one is player and another is watcher.
If we choose player option so you have to play the game.
If we choose watcher option then we have to watch the videos of player challenge and we also give the challenge to the player.

Initial State Of The Player:-

First The player Choose a player option.
PlayerI want to play the game.
Admin : Are you sure? There's no way back.
PlayerYes. What does that mean? There's no way back?
AdminYou can't leave the game once you begin.
PlayerI'm ready.
AdminCarry out each task diligently and no one must know about it. When you finish the task, you send me a photo. At the end of the game, you die. Are you ready?
If player say YES then game will start.
Now Admin provides the task to the player and also watchers.
At the first day You Will start to draw a blue whale on your hand by using pins.
At the beginning some easy task is provided to player like watching horror movies,singing a horror type songs. After that admin says to player to draw the blue whale  on their hand by using pins.
So at the stage 10 player try to quit the game But at initial state admin copy their all data and accounts. The admin say to player if you quit the game then they will kill your parents and spread your data onto the Internet. So player has only two options one is suicide and another is play the game.
If he play the game so at the stage/task 40 the confidence level and dare of the player is increased too much and At stage 50 the player is suicide their life. Always ADMIN say the time to player for any task at 4:20AM or 4:20PM.

TASKS in The Blue Whale Game:-

1. Carve with a razor "f57" on your hand, send a photo to the curator.
2. Wake up at 4.20 a.m. and watch psychedelic and scary videos that curator sends you.
3. Cut your arm with a razor along your veins, but not too deep, only 3 cuts, send a photo to the curator.
4. Draw a whale on a sheet of paper, send a photo to curator.
5. If you are ready to "become a whale", carve "YES" on your leg. If not, cut yourself many times (punish yourself).
6. Task with a cipher.
7. Carve "f40" on your hand, send a photo to curator.
8. Type "#i_am_whale" in your VKontakte status.
9. You have to overcome your fear.
10. Wake up at 4:20 a.m. and go to a roof (the higher the better)
11. Carve a whale on your hand with a razor, send a photo to curator.
12. Watch psychedelic and horror videos all day.
13. Listen to music that "they" (curators) send you.
14. Cut your lip.
15. Poke your hand with a needle many times
16. Do something painful to yourself, make yourself sick.
17. Go to the highest roof you can find, stand on the edge for some time.
18. Go to a bridge, stand on the edge.
19. Climb up a crane or at least try to do it
20. The curator checks if you are trustworthy.
21. Have a talk "with a whale" (with another player like you or with a curator) in Skype.
22. Go to a roof and sit on the edge with your legs dangling.
23. Another task with a cipher.
24. Secret task.
25. Have a meeting with a "whale."
26. The curator tells you the date of your death and you have to accept it.
27. Wake up at 4:20 a.m. and go to rails (visit any railroad that you can find).
28. Don't talk to anyone all day.
29. Make a vow that "you're a whale."
30-49. Everyday you wake up at 4:20am, watch horror videos, listen to music that "they" send you, make 1 cut on your body per day, talk "to a whale."
50. Jump off a high building. Take your life.

Some Cases Related To Game:-

  On 11 May 2017, Russian media reported that Philipp Budeikin "plead guilty to inciting teenagers to suicide," having described his victims as "biological waste" and claiming he was "cleansing society.He was held at Kresty Prison in St Petersburg with charges of "inciting at least 16 teenage girls to kill themselves.

  On 27 June 2017, 16-year-old BenjamĆ­n Palavecino died in the San MartĆ­n de ParanĆ” hospital in the province of Entre RĆ­os. He had been hospitalized since 31 May 2017, after attempting to complete the final suicide challenge.

  In the Federal District, on 5 May 2017, four hearing impaired adolescents playing Blue Whale were prevented by the Military Police from committing suicide. In Estrela (Rio Grande do Sul) a mother prevented the suicide of her daughter, who played Blue Whale.

  During the Summer of 2017, Chinese authorities became increasingly concerned with the link between the destructive Blue Whale "game" and the budding self-harm trend of "human embroidery"—a form of self-harm popular among teenagers and linked with depressive social media posts.

  On 30 July 2017, a 14-year-old boy committed suicide by jumping from the seventh floor of an Andheri(East) building in the city of Mumbai. Maharashtra state Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis blamed the suicide on the Blue Whale game, though the Mumbai Police said they had not found evidence that the teenager had played the game.

Total More than 300 peoples are death due to this game. In Russia 130 peoples are death. In the Russia there are too many peoples are death.


Blue Whale Game

I humbled Request to all those people which are try to play this game please don't try it.
This game is died your life. 
If you filling sad then try to draw a simple paintings, Try to see the funny videos and playing a funny games not a such type of bad games which encourages you to death. 
 If you are type #Blue Whale or #F57 on Instagram so  Instagram Will Reply you like:
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There are too much things in our life which makes our life beautiful so enjoy these things.
Parents Please see if your child are play such type of games so avoid them to play a games like blue whale.
So "Please Avoid This Game Please"

Shubham Patil..(Youtuber)
Youtube Channel Name:-YGS Technical 

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